البحوث المنشورة

title year
Effects of Human Platelet Rich Plasma and BMP-2 on Cytocompatibility of Bioglass-nanoTiO2 Composites in Bioinspired Culture Conditions
Ali Razzaq Alisalih Alsafar
ALSAFWA University College, Karbala 56001, IRAQ
Bioworld Research Technologies, Hyderabad 500025, India
Association of Periodontal Disease with Serum Uric Acid and CRP in Patients Treated for Acute
Coronary Syndrome: A Comparative Study
Mohammed Ihsan Chabuk “Ahmed Mahdi Sharba “Ali Razzaq Alisalih Alsafar
How Iraqi Orthodontists Deal with White Spot Lesions
?in Patients with Fixed Orthodontic appliance
Impacted Permanent Mandibular Canines: A Radiographic Study Among Karbala City Population Using Orthopantomograms2024
Unilateral Gemination of the Upper First Permanent Molar:
A Rare Case Report